Press Release
OMRON BPMs tops 300 million units sold
OMRON blood pressure monitors are available in more than 110 countries/regions across the world.

Press Release
OMRON BPMs tops 300 million units sold
OMRON blood pressure monitors are available in more than 110 countries/regions across the world.
OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd (Head Office: Muko, Kyoto, Japan, President & CEO: Isao Ogino) has announced that cumulative global sales of home-use blood pressure monitors reached 300 million units¹.
It was 1973 when OMRON released its first electronic blood pressure monitor. And now, OMRON blood pressure monitors are available in more than 110 countries/regions across the world.
Since the release of the first device, it took us 36 years to achieve cumulative global sales of 100 million units in 2009.
In the 2010s, people became more conscious of managing their own health, and at the same time, the number of patients with lifestyle-related diseases dramatically increased on a global scale. Just around the same time, the guidelines for home treatment of hypertension were officially established by leading medical societies, and a new behavioural pattern – monitoring blood pressure at home – became more popular. As a result, it took only 7 years to sell the next 100 million units. Ever since, we expanded across global markets consistently, accommodating the increasing demand of blood pressure monitors not only in America, China, and Europe, but also in developing countries such as India and Brazil, and it took only 5 years for marking the 300 million-unit sales this year.
An estimated 1 billion adults worldwide have hypertension², and the number of individuals with cerebro-cardiovascular diseases caused by hypertension accounts for 17,5 million³. Cerebro-cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, and even when patients manage to survive after an event, there are still high risks for becoming bedridden or causing them to have serious side effects There are more severe side effects such as language disorder. Not only patients, but also their families can be impacted mentally and financially, and the level of their health-related quality of life (QOL) is jeopardized.
With the mission of “helping realize healthy and comfortable lives for people around the world”, OMRON Healthcare heralded its Going for ZERO vision (achieving zero cerebro-cardiovascular events) for its cardiovascular business in 2015, and has expanded the business domains focusing mainly on home blood pressure monitors.
Now, taking this opportunity as a milestone for our new chapter, we will continue to identify the market demands and user needs, while responding to them swiftly with innovative solutions. Furthermore, the service business, such as the development of health-management apps for smartphones and a remote patient monitoring service will be accelerated. OMRON Healthcare will support both home health managements and healthcare professional’s patients treatment with its devices and services.
Journey of Omron Healthcare
In the 1970s, when measuring blood pressure had formerly been regarded as a medical procedure performed only by physicians and nurses, the first OMRON electronic blood pressure monitor was released. Since then, OMRON Healthcare has been devoting efforts to explore the easy-to-use and highly accurate blood pressure monitors and has introduced innovative devices including a wearable blood pressure monitor and an upper arm blood pressure monitor with EKG function into the market. More recently, we have taken on the challenge of introducing the remote patient monitoring services on a global scale as part of the infrastructure in the New Normal, and developing AI technology to prevent the potential events of cardiovascular diseases.
Summary of the new 300M special website
Our journey
A history of home blood pressure monitors, measurement accuracy, design philosophy
Our challenge
Promotion of remote patient monitoring service globally, a development of AI technology for risk preventions, evolving blood pressure management, and the expansion of the business into a cerebro-cardiovascular domain
Academic activities
Research on blood pressure